Macushla Alpacas

Phone: 303-506-8808

My Beloved Alpacas!

Macushla is a small ranch that strives for high quality animals and fiber. I breed rose greys, silver greys, blacks, and now include fawns.

After graduating from Bel Rea Institute of Animal Technology and became a Certified Veterinary Technician, I became interested in alpacas and found they were a perfect match for me. In 2003 I purchased 2 bred females and welcomed my first cria one week later.

I also offer Digital Photo Retouching and Graphic Design. I ve been on the cutting edge in this field since 1975 and have won many awards. Please contact me for more information or a free quote. All work can be handled via the internet, so location is not a problem.

When I was in Africa I stayed at an inn named Macushla , which means My Beloved in Gaelic. Because my grandmother was born in Dublin, Ireland and my love of Africa, I choose Macushla as my alpaca ranch name. What could say how I feel about my animals more than My Beloved . When you buy an alpaca from Macushla, you will own a beloved alpaca also!


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