MH (Accoyo) Veronia at ACCOYOS OF VIRGINIA, LLC - Alpaca For Sale

    MH (Accoyo) Veronia

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DOB   9/ 15/ 2003
Species Alpaca
Breed  Huacaya
Category  Dam
Color  White

Veronia, a full Accoyo El Nino (now rndeceased) daughter, is a nice and square female with deeply crimped, bold fiber rnand plenty of density.

Her 2007 male cria, Accoyo Andante', is a light rnfawn beauty with the brightest fiber we have ever seen and is now a working stud rnin NC. His crimp is very bundled with very high curvature to it. To that end, he rnhas received a blue ribbon in every show he's been entered in--five to date. So, rnyou can see she produces exceptional quality offspring with amazing rnfiber.

She had been bred to Accoyo Godfather for a fall 2010 offspring. rnThis little Mafia Princess is bright, dense and crimpy.

For her 2011 rnbreeding, we paired her with our full Accoyo Royal Fawn son, Royal Accolade. rnRoyal Accolade has tremendous density to go along with his fine, matchstick rnbundling. The resulting male cria is a silky-fleeced youngster who is extremely rncurly with AMAZING brightness; bundles galore and exceptional brightness. His rnfirst histogram done in May 2012, when he was seven months of age, was the rnlowest on the farm at 15.8/3.0/18.7/0.2. He is a herdsire in the rnmaking.

Veronia will be bred this spring to either Prestige or rnEnterprise, both multi-champion PROVEN herdsires that we own. The decision will rnbe yours to make! You may decide to shoot for color by breeding her to our MF rnfull Accoyo herdsire, Enterprise. He has demonstrated lingering fineness and rneven this early in his breeding career, he is producing some very outstanding rnshow winners. If you have a white program, then Prestige would be a great choice rnto produce a high-end white. Even at the age of 12, his histogram is rn22.1/3.9/17.6/3.3% greater than 30. There is no wrong choice here... either one rnwill give your breeding program a leg up.

Don't gamble by overlooking a rnproven female--a proven breeder and a proven mom. You should never take these rnattributes for granted.

Aug 12
Aug 12
Jan 08
Jan 08
2011 Cria's Fleece
2011 Cria's Fleece
2011 Cria's Fleece
2011 Cria's Fleece
Her Sire
Her Sire

Fiber Stats

2012 AFD:  24.0
2011 AFD:  23.4
2010 AFD:  24.2


AOV Accoyo Andante'


Full Accoyo Full Peruvian      
PCA Accoyo El Nino  






PPPeruvian La Brisa 4622  







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