You may buy Katerina for $1,740 (40% off Market Value) during our Retirement Sale!
Katerina has a solid frame and has good potential as a breeding female. She ranked in the top 9% for fleece weight while still being in the top 26 percent for fineness. This tells you how dense she is with nice fleece- skin to tip. She is also in the Top 15% for uniformity and top 20% for fiber less than 30M, and top 12% for staple length.
On her father's side is El Nino, Caligula, Microsoft and Camilio. On her mother's side is Microsoft, Camilio and Hemingway.
Her 2014 fiber sort showed Grade 2 Secondaries and Grade 3 Primaries, 9 out of 10 on brightness, 3 out of 5 for density, 7 out of 8 for uniformity of micron with moderate amplitude, medium 6-7 crimps per inch, 4 out of 5 for handle and 9 out of 10 for lack of guard hair. She had 43.5 oz. of WL 2-3 on her blanket and 23.7 oz. WL 2-3 of sorted fiber on her neck. Sorter commented that her fleece was bright, soft and a lovely handle.
Whether you are interested in purchasing high quality alpacas for breeding, show, fiber or selecting a herd sire to breed to, you should use Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) as your most important selection tool in addition to evaluating phenotype and genetics. Our herd has some of the highest EPD accuracy ratings due to breeding some of the best genetics and due to the shear number of these genetics in the EPD database. Consequently you can also increase the probability of creating ideal offspring with up to 95% accuracy. Contact us to learn more about using EPDs. We have been using them to improve our herd since 2008.