AlpacaBarns Classic Accoyos
Conover, North Carolina
Prototype is a beautiful full Accoyo rnson of our multi-champion white herdsire, Prestige, and one of our most consistent producers, Accoyo Viola.
When the shearer came at the end of June to cria shear our babies, the first words out of his mouth were, "Wow! Take a look at this fiber". That's the reaction his fiber gets -- it is fine, crimpy rnAND so bright.
Let me give you a little bit of background on Prototype's sire, Prestige. In November 2012 we decided to have Dr. Evans do a skin biopsy rnon him as a 12-year-old breeding male. Knowing that the recommended age for doing such a skin biopsy is 18-24 months of age, we knew that we might be doing rna disservice to Prestige. However, Dr. Evans comments proved us wrong. Here are his comments:
Prestige is awesome for a 12 year old male. Density of 62; secondary fibers still average 22.2 microns and his primary fibers still average below 30 microns with a spread of 7.4 microns. The average micron spread in 91 rnof the better males in 2011 was 8.22 microns. Prestiges stats are very genetically strong for a 12 year-old. Most 12 year-old huacaya males that I have tested show 1/3 less density as well as fineness of fiber. This boy is ahead of his time.
Financial Terms
Financing & Trades available. We're flexible with terms.