Cocopuff is a gorgeous true black Huacaya female bred to true black multi-Champion Marin's SC Torrefacto ARI 31872850 for a 6/19/15 cria. Great lineage including Royal Fawn, Augusto, El Toro, and Ajax.
Cocopuff is the product of the acclaimed Studmaster/Ideal Alpaca Community breeding program affiliated with North West Alpacas. It's fascinating to see how her grand-dam was "improved" in her breeding to Studmaster El Toro. Then, Cocopuff's dam was improved with her breeding to the outstanding MFI Peruvian Gallant Deed, one of the top Studmaster herdsires. Cocopuff is the result, and she is a large, solid, true black gal with a heavy blanket. She has bred readily and had trouble-free births of her first four crias. She has excellent maternal instincts.
Cocopuff was re-bred to our True Black champion (and sire of champions), Dundee's AJ Stormcat, and in 2013 she produced an adorable black female cria, Coqueta. That cria is not included in this listing, but she is so lovely that we plan to repeat the breeding to this stud. Stormcat's strengths include LOADS of black genetics, retained fineness and perfect conformation--and what a head! The last time these two got together they produced her true black boy, Coquimbo, who has started his show career with a bang--a blue ribbon his first time in the ring!
Well, an UPDATE on Cocopuff's dalliances: It's June 29, 2014 and Cocopuff made it abundantly clear that she was going to breed to Stormcat's champion son, Marin's SC Torrefacto. She sniffed his nose thru the fence, "pluttzzed" herself down in the breeding pen, and was simply not going to move! So, Cocopuff is now breeding to Marin's SC Torrefacto, who not only brings his sire's attributes as mentioned, but his dam holds numerous championships including the Reserve Color Championship in fleece at the International Alpaca show /AOBA fleece show of 2009. Cocopuff has excellent taste--this should be an outstanding breeding with a very good chance for an improved black cria! (And yes, she is spitting off, 9 days later and confirmed by ultrasound to be pregnant and due in June, 2015.
Give your black breeding program a jump start with Cocopuff and her 2015 cria!
Cocopuff has come to her new "digs" in coastal Marin County CA, in the North San Francisco Bay area.