MLRKrnBlizzard has a terrific pedigree, extremely fine fleece and has a nice personality. She is ready to breed. Blizzard's lineage includes the famous machos Peruvian Hemingwayrn(twice), Peruvian Augusto, Peruvian Don Julio, 4Peruvian Pachacuti and NWA ElrnBello. With a fantastic line up like this behind her, she is sure to produce some Champion offspring! Blizzard's fleece is extremely fine and very bright white. Her micron counts in 2012 and 2013 were 19.2 and 19.4 microns. Her fleece also excellent curvature, character and a soft handle. Blizzard is also well behaved and somewhat submissive. She does well during shearing and herdrnhealth.She has excellentrnconformation and is very well proportioned.
With great genetics, extremely fine fleece and a great personality, Blizzard would make a great addition to any breeding program.