Faith is a Nigerian Dwarf doe in milk. She appraised at +VVV85 this year as a 2 year old. She is an excellent mother, kidding with a single as a first freshener and moving up to triplet does this year. She is overall quite a nice doe but her teats wing out more than I'd like to see for our goals.
Faith hand and machine milks well, kidded in March and will be ready to breed for you again this fall. Milk her in the meantime!
S: Tall & Small NotUR Average Joe *B SS: Wood Bridge Farm Underpressure VV+ 86 SD: GCH Tall & Small Lottie EEEV90 1*M
D: Little Avalon Merry Maid DS: Calico Creek SN JAMMF Immortal DD: Little Avalon Lady Annalisse